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I am someone who always wanted to write, but never took the time. So now you can read my thoughts for the moment. Keeping up with my little family seems hectic at times...but it's my favorite thing to do!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ashlee...and her graduation!

Ashlee Hammons graduated! (Yes, this does make me feel old.) I remember that day she came home from the hospital.  LOL
Sandy and I had to work that day, so Mammy got ALL the kiddos ready.  And true to form, they found the camera.

Last year for Maloree's grad, KK broke her arm right before and wasn't there.
But this year they enjoyed seeing all the people they knew.
Miss Jordan from dance class....
Sydney, Asha's friend....
John, Asha's boyfriend....
They clapped and cheered for everyone!

Even Millie!
And there she blows!  She's a BIG GIRL now!

Good job, Ashlee!

Every year when one graduates from our family we takes pictures.  Like most families do.
Check out the pics of us from a year ago....HERE!

Congrats, Ashlee!  I wish only the best for you dear!

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