On Friday March 11th...I turned 30. (big sigh...)
That day Ainsley had to do her "test" at pre-school, and if you don't Ainsley, this took some serious talking. She isn't really interested in showing off her learning abilities. She would rather just watch.
But I bribed her good...and gave the teacher some pointers...and she did GREAT!
So for my birthday, I took her shopping! We had a great day!
And then in the evening, a few friends gathered at Red Pin for some fun bowling!
This pregnant lady couldn't do much (and I had to work the next day) so we kept it light.
It was a blast!
Red Pin is a really cool place...big TV's and 10 lanes and a personal waitress. Although our waitress probably shouldn't be one (WORST EVER!) the food was good...the drinks were good (so I'm told) and we had a couple good games
We had the two lanes in the left of the picture.
Here are the scores for our first game. When you are a regular bowler and you try..these lanes are not for you! LOL
You have to use house balls and you can't see the marks at all! So if you throw it straight-you're a winner!
Lisa is the "non bowler" on this team...can you tell??
(Dear Lisa, watching you bowl was the best gift ever! You are such a good sport!)
Now on to the second game...
I think we got the hang of it....
And notice that Lisa DID IN FACT get better!
And, just like usual, Evva is crazy and did something that made us all fall over with laughter!
All of a sudden I hear Noah yell, "NO!" We all turn to find Evva had thrown a ball and the little lever was still down blocking the pins! So her ball hit the lever and rolled ALL THE WAY BACK!
I don't think she was looking very closely! LOL (I enjoy your company, EVVA!)
I had such a good time...and I appreciate all my friends who came!
Good times...good times!!
And then as I got to my car, my phone rang!
It seems Noah didn't want to pay to park, so in the ghetto alley they were in, Noah got a flat tire. And it WASN'T an accident. Someone apparently messed with it. Scary, right?
But watching these four fixing a tire in an alley with no lights was worth the 45 minute wait to leave!
Evva got the manual out and made sure they were doing it right! You know she was the "supervisor"!
Good times....