We started off like any other morning...until Ainsley made her usual bathroom break, that suddenly became unusual!
My sweet child began vomitting...and not just a little bit. We have done this on another occasion where she doesn't really act like she feels bad and then all of sudden IT HITS!
After a couple trips to the bathroom, she was starting to act a little more normal.
So I brought her what the Easter Bunny had left her. She loved it!
But soon after, she was down again. Joe and I got ready for church at Maranatha with the family, but I really didn't assume we would (could) go.
But she wanted to hunt eggs GO BAD, she got up and got in the tub and went off to church.
We had to make a couple quick trips to the bathroom during church and lunch afterwards and Mammy finally convinced her that we could hunt eggs later at Mammy's house. It was raining and it would be easier that way. So finally she agreed to go home.
We all laid down to watch toons and she took a good nap. When she woke up she was ready to hunt eggs, so we headed over to Mammy's house. It took a little while, but after some Mt Dew (yay caffeine) and a few bites, she was getting back to her old self.
So we sent KK, Ainsley and Crew to Mammy's room so we could hide over 100 eggs! (they didn't even peek!)
And then the HUNT began...
Showing me their "loot"....but the look on Crew's face is the best part of the picture!
It turned out to be a pretty dreary Easter Sunday for us, but we got to spend the day together just the 3 1/2 off us! And since I work weekends, that is something to be grateful for!
And we can't forget the other one...baby was present, as well.
Only 8 more days until we find out...