Ainsley was so excited to go back to dance with Miss Emily!
I watched for the first day just to see what went on.
They all were so cute!
First, they did a little ballet...
Then they had a snack...
Ainsley came home everyday and told me what kind of snack she had!
While they were still at the table, they would make a craft!
The first day they made necklaces...didn't they do a great job?!?!
Other crafts they made were:
colored a Rapunzel picture
decorated a hairbrush "just like Rapunzel"
After the craft portion of the day, Miss Nancy read them a Rapunzel story.
Then they did a little tapping.
On the last day, all the parents got to come and see them do the dances they learned at camp.
(I keep trying to upload the video...hopefully it will work soon!)
Here is Ainsley accepting hers...
Here's the whole class!
They had their picture in the Chickasha Leader. Aren't they just adorable?!?!
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